Cherryvale Skateboard Company

Cherryvale Skateboard Company, founded by Valerie Phillips and Jason Gormley in Cherryvale, Kansas, April 12, 2006, is dedicated to the preservation of youthful idealism, naïve enthusiasms and unrealistic expectations.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


A little while back we rashly predicted our London Show would happen right about now, today in fact, April 12, Cherryvale Skateboard Company's 1st birthday. You may have guessed by the lack of fanfare, the show isn't opening today. Or tonight. But rest assured it is still most definately happening (Quite likely late June). There are a number of lame excuses why it hasn't happened yet and some tedious details that need taking care of before it does, but no doubt things will work out when they're meant to. And you'll be amongst the first to know they do. Last night we looked back over some photos of the show in Kansas as we put together a couple of proposals. And it reminded us how much great work we have to show people. We can't wait to do just that. Happy birthday Cherryvale Skateboard Company. It's beeen an amazing year one. Thank you for your involvement.