Cherryvale Skateboard Company

Cherryvale Skateboard Company, founded by Valerie Phillips and Jason Gormley in Cherryvale, Kansas, April 12, 2006, is dedicated to the preservation of youthful idealism, naïve enthusiasms and unrealistic expectations.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

yippie yi yay holiday

Christmas is upon us and as we look back over 2008 we realise we have some new year's resolutions to make - namely - getting all remaining Cherryvale skateboard decks back to the contributing artists (thank you for your patience) - working out what form our next show will take - and getting on with making it happen. A busy 2009 beckons. We hope it's a good one for you all and for Cherryvale Skateboard Company. Best wishes, Valerie and Jason.